• Campers

    Wayne Johnston

    Head, Research Enterprise and Scholarly Communication

    My Posts

    Research Commons for digital humanities

    Saturday, April 30th, 2011 | Wayne Johnston

    We have plans to establish a “Research Commons” to support the digital humanities research on campus.  I’d like to hear from researchers who have or would like to have a collaborative facility to support digital humanities research.  What tools, supports, services, environment would you like to see in a physical space dedicated to supporting digital humanities research?  What would help you to realize your aspirations?

    The need for research data management

    Thursday, March 31st, 2011 | Wayne Johnston

    I have broadened the scope of my proposal as I think the orientation was too library-centric.

    Here is the text of my initial proposal:

    “I would like to focus on how the library can support data management across the campus.  We are providing a range of services to assist researchers with data curation, preservation and access, including data citation and linking.  I would like to discuss what we’ve done, what we’re hearing from researchers, and see how that resonates with the experience at other institutions.  (or something like that)”

    I’d like to engage researchers as well as librarians in a broader discussion of the need for research data management and the campus services that can support that need.  In particular:

    • why is it important to preserve data for future research?
    • why is it important to make data accessible to other researchers including researchers in other disciplines?
    • what can we do to make data as accessible and reusable as possible?
    • how can we comply with funders who require us to have a data management strategy as a condition of the grants?